
Module Contents



class petitRADTRANS.radtrans.Radtrans(pressures: numpy.ndarray[float] = None, wavelength_boundaries: numpy.ndarray[float] = None, line_species: list[str] = None, gas_continuum_contributors: list[str] = None, rayleigh_species: list[str] = None, cloud_species: list[str] = None, line_opacity_mode: str = 'c-k', line_by_line_opacity_sampling: int = 1, scattering_in_emission: bool = False, emission_angle_grid: numpy.ndarray[float] = None, anisotropic_cloud_scattering: bool = 'auto', path_input_data: str = None)
property anisotropic_cloud_scattering
property cias_loaded_opacities
property clouds_loaded_opacities
property cloud_species
property emission_angle_grid
property frequencies
property frequency_bins_edges
property gas_continuum_contributors
property line_by_line_opacity_sampling
property lines_loaded_opacities
property line_opacity_mode
property line_species
property path_input_data
property pressures
property rayleigh_species
property scattering_in_emission
property wavelength_boundaries
__dat_opacity_files_warning_message = Multiline-String
Show Value
"""loading opacities from .dat files is discouraged, the HDF5 format offer better performances at for a lower memory usage

Converting petitRADTRANS .dat opacity files into HDF5 can be done by executing:
>>> from petitRADTRANS.__file_conversion import convert_all
>>> convert_all()

Alternatively, the petitRADTRANS HDF5 files can be downloaded (see"""
__line_opacity_property_setting_warning_message = Multiline-String
Show Value
"""setting a Radtrans line opacity property should be avoided
These properties are loaded from the opacity data in the input_data directory and are inter-dependent (they need to be updated for consistency)
It is recommended to create a new Radtrans instance instead"""
__property_setting_warning_message = Multiline-String
Show Value
"""setting a Radtrans property directly is not recommended
Create a new Radtrans instance (recommended) or re-do all the setup steps necessary for the modification to be taken into account"""

Override of the object base __getattr__ method, in order to hint towards pRT3 names when pRT2 names are used.

static __check_anisotropic_cloud_scattering(mode)
static __check_line_opacity_mode(mode)
static __check_input_data_file_existence(path)
static __check_path_input_data(path)
static __check_pressures(pressures)
static __check_wavelength_boundaries(boundaries)

Check if the clouds have any effect, i.e. if the cloud species MMR is greater than 0.


mass_fractions: atmospheric mass mixing ratios

static __get_base_species_mass_fractions(mass_fractions)
static __get_cia_contributors(gas_continuum_contributors)
static __get_line_opacity_file(path_input_data, species, category)
static __get_non_cia_gas_continuum_contributions()
static __init_clouds_particles_porosity_factor(clouds_particles_porosity_factor, cloud_species)
_calculate_flux(temperatures, reference_gravity, opacities, continuum_opacities_scattering, emission_geometry, star_irradiation_cos_angle, stellar_intensity, reflectances, emissivities, cloud_f_sed, photospheric_cloud_optical_depths, cloud_anisotropic_scattering_opacities, cloud_absorption_opacities, return_contribution=False, return_rosseland_opacities=False)

Calculate the flux. TODO complete docstring


temperatures: reference_gravity: opacities: continuum_opacities_scattering: emission_geometry: star_irradiation_cos_angle: stellar_intensity: reflectances: emissivities: cloud_f_sed: photospheric_cloud_optical_depths: cloud_anisotropic_scattering_opacities: cloud_absorption_opacities: return_contribution: return_rosseland_opacities:


_calculate_opacities(temperatures, mass_fractions, mean_molar_masses, reference_gravity, opaque_cloud_top_pressure=None, cloud_particles_mean_radii=None, cloud_particle_radius_distribution_std=None, cloud_particles_radius_distribution='lognormal', cloud_hansen_a=None, cloud_hansen_b=None, clouds_particles_porosity_factor=None, cloud_f_sed=None, eddy_diffusion_coefficients=None, haze_factor=1.0, power_law_opacity_350nm=None, power_law_opacity_coefficient=None, gray_opacity=None, cloud_photosphere_median_optical_depth=None, return_cloud_contribution=False, additional_absorption_opacities_function=None, additional_scattering_opacities_function=None)

Combine total line opacities, according to mass fractions (abundances), also add continuum opacities, i.e. clouds, CIA… TODO complete docstring


temperatures: mass_fractions: mean_molar_masses: reference_gravity: cloud_particle_radius_distribution_std: cloud_f_sed: eddy_diffusion_coefficients: cloud_particles_mean_radii: cloud_particles_radius_distribution: cloud_hansen_a: cloud_hansen_b: return_cloud_contribution: additional_absorption_opacities_function: additional_scattering_opacities_function:


_calculate_transit_radii(temperatures, mean_molar_masses, reference_gravity, reference_pressure, planet_radius, variable_gravity, opacities, continuum_opacities_scattering, copy_opacities)

Calculate the transit radii. TODO complete docstring


temperatures: mean_molar_masses: reference_gravity: reference_pressure: planet_radius: variable_gravity: opacities: continuum_opacities_scattering: copy_opacities:


static _combine_ck_opacities(opacities, g_gauss, weights_gauss)
static _combine_opacities(line_species_mass_fractions, opacities, continuum_opacities)
static _compute_cia_opacities(cia_dicts, mass_fractions, pressures, temperatures, frequencies, mean_molar_masses)

Wrapper to _interpolate_cia, calculating each collision’s combined mass fraction.

static _compute_ck_flux(frequencies, temperatures, weights_gauss, emission_cos_angle_grid, emission_cos_angle_grid_weights, optical_depths, return_contribution)
static _compute_cloud_log_normal_particles_distribution_opacities(atmosphere_densities, clouds_particles_densities, clouds_mass_fractions, cloud_particles_mean_radii, cloud_particles_distribution_std, cloud_particles_radii_bins, cloud_particles_radii, clouds_absorption_opacities, clouds_scattering_opacities, clouds_particles_asymmetry_parameters)

This function reimplements calc_cloud_opas from fortran_radtrans_core.f90. For some reason it runs faster in python than in fortran, so we’ll use this from now on. This function integrates the cloud opacity through the different layers of the atmosphere to get the total optical depth, scattering and anisotropic fraction. # TODO optical depth or opacity?

author: Francois Rozet


Density of the atmosphere at each of its layer


Density of each cloud particles


Mass fractions of each cloud at each atmospheric layer


Mean radius of each cloud particles at each atmospheric layer


Standard deviation of the log-normal cloud particles distribution


Bins of the particles cloud radii grid


Particles cloud radii grid


Cloud absorption opacities (radius grid, wavelength grid, clouds)


Cloud scattering opacities (radius grid, wavelength grid, clouds)


Cloud particles asymmetry parameters (radius grid, wavelength grid, clouds)


static _compute_cloud_opacities(pressures, temperatures, frequency_bins_edges, cloud_species_mass_fractions, mean_molar_masses, reference_gravity, cloud_particle_radius_distribution_std, clouds_loaded_opacities, sum_opacities, anisotropic_cloud_scattering, cloud_f_sed=None, eddy_diffusion_coefficients=None, cloud_particles_mean_radii=None, cloud_particles_radius_distribution='lognormal', cloud_hansen_a=None, cloud_hansen_b=None, clouds_particles_porosity_factor=None, photospheric_cloud_optical_depths=None, return_cloud_contribution=False)

Calculate cloud opacities for a defined atmospheric structure. # TODO complete docstring


temperatures: cloud_species_mass_fractions: mean_molar_masses: reference_gravity: cloud_particle_radius_distribution_std: cloud_f_sed: eddy_diffusion_coefficients: cloud_particles_mean_radii: cloud_particles_radius_distribution: cloud_hansen_a: cloud_hansen_b: return_cloud_contribution:


static _compute_species_optical_depths(reference_gravity, pressures, cloud_opacities)

Calculate the optical depth of the clouds as function of frequency and pressure. The array with the optical depths is set to the tau_cloud attribute. The optical depth is calculated from the top of the atmosphere (i.e. the smallest pressure). Therefore, below the cloud base, the optical depth is constant and equal to the value at the cloud base. # TODO complete docstring

reference_gravity (float):

Surface gravity in cgs. Vertically constant for emission spectra.

static _compute_feautrier_radiative_transfer(frequency_bins_edges, temperatures, weights_gauss, emission_cos_angle_grid, emission_cos_angle_grid_weights, optical_depths, photon_destruction_probabilities, emission_geometry, stellar_intensity, star_irradiation_cos_angle, reflectances, emissivities, return_contribution)
static _compute_h_minus_free_free_xsec(wavelengths, temperatures, electron_partial_pressure)

Calculate the H- free-free cross-section in units of cm^2 per H per e- pressure (in cgs). Source: “The Observation and Analysis of Stellar Photospheres” by David F. Gray, p. 156 # TODO complete docstring Args:

wavelengths: (angstroem) temperatures: electron_partial_pressure:


static _compute_h_minus_bound_free_xsec(wavelengths_bin_edges)

Calculate the H- bound-free cross-section in units of cm^2 per H-, as defined on page 155 of “The Observation and Analysis of Stellar Photospheres” by David F. Gray # TODO complete docstring Args:

wavelengths_bin_edges: (angstroem)


static _compute_h_minus_opacities(mass_fractions, pressures, temperatures, frequencies, frequency_bins_edges, mean_molar_masses, **kwargs)

Calculate the H- opacity.

static _compute_non_cia_gas_induced_continuum_opacities(gas_continuum_contributors, mass_fractions, pressures, temperatures, frequencies, frequency_bins_edges, mean_molar_masses, **kwargs)
static _compute_optical_depths(pressures, reference_gravity, opacities, continuum_opacities_scattering, scattering_in_emission)
static _compute_optical_depths_wrapper(pressures, reference_gravity, opacities, continuum_opacities_scattering, scattering_in_emission, sum_opacities, photospheric_cloud_optical_depths=None, absorber_present=True, **custom_cloud_parameters)
static _compute_optical_depths_with_photospheric_cloud(pressures, reference_gravity, opacities, continuum_opacities_scattering, frequencies, weights_gauss, cloud_wavelengths, cloud_f_sed, cloud_anisotropic_scattering_opacities, cloud_absorption_opacities, photospheric_cloud_optical_depths, scattering_in_emission)
static _compute_power_law_opacities(power_law_opacity_350nm, power_law_opacity_coefficient, frequencies, n_layers)
static _compute_radius_hydrostatic_equilibrium(pressures, temperatures, mean_molar_masses, reference_gravity, reference_pressure, planet_radius, variable_gravity=True)
static _compute_rayleigh_scattering_opacities(rayleigh_species, pressures, temperatures, mass_fractions, mean_molar_masses, frequencies, haze_factor=1.0)

Add Rayleigh scattering opacities to scattering continuum opacities.


temperatures: temperatures in each atmospheric layer mass_fractions: dictionary of the Rayleigh scattering species mass fractions

static _compute_rosseland_opacities(frequency_bins_edges, temperatures, weights_gauss, opacities, continuum_opacities_scattering, scattering_in_emission)
static _compute_transit_radii(opacities, continuum_opacities_scattering, pressures, temperatures, weights_gauss, mean_molar_masses, reference_gravity, reference_pressure, planet_radius, variable_gravity, summed_species_opacities, copy_opacities)

Calculate the planetary transmission spectrum. # TODO complete docstring Args:

opacities: continuum_opacities_scattering: pressures: temperatures: weights_gauss: mean_molar_masses:

Mean molecular weight in units of amu. (1-d numpy array, same length as pressure array).

reference_gravity (float):

Atmospheric gravitational acceleration at reference pressure and radius in units of dyne/cm^2

reference_pressure (float):

Reference pressure in bar.

planet_radius (float):

Planet radius in cm.

variable_gravity (bool):

If True, gravity in the atmosphere will vary proportional to 1/r^2, where r is the planet radius.

summed_species_opacities (bool):

If True, it is assumed that the given opacities contains the summed opacities of all species. This is the case in line-by-line and/or scattering mode.

copy_opacities (bool):

If True, a new array will be created for the transparencies, distinct from the opacities. This increases memory usage.

  • transmission radius in cm (1-d numpy array, as many elements as wavelengths)

  • planet radius as function of atmospheric pressure (1-d numpy array, as many elements as atmospheric


static _compute_transmission_spectrum_contribution(transit_radii, pressures, temperatures, mean_molar_masses, reference_gravity, reference_pressure, planet_radius, weights_gauss, opacities, continuum_opacities_scattering, scattering_in_transmission, variable_gravity)
static _init_cia_loaded_opacities(cia_contributors)

Initialize the Radtrans frequency grid, used to calculate the spectra. The frequency grid comes from the requested opacity files, in the following priority order:

  1. lines,

  2. CIA,

  3. clouds.

If not opacities are provided, the mean of the wavelength boundaries is used. The frequency grid in that case has only 1 element.


(Hz) frequencies (center of bin) of the line opacities, also use for spectral calculations, of size N


(Hz) edges of the frequencies bins, of size N+1 for correlated-k only, number of points used to sample the g-space (1 in the case lbl is used)

static _init_frequency_grid_from_frequency_grid(frequency_grid, wavelength_boundaries, sampling=1)
static _interpolate_cia(collision_dict, combined_mass_fractions, pressures, temperatures, frequencies, mean_molar_masses)

Interpolate CIA cross-sections onto the Radtrans (wavelength, temperature) grid and convert it into opacities.

combined_mass_fractions: combined mass fractions of the colliding species

e.g., for H2-He and an atmosphere with H2 and He MMR of respectively 0.74 and 0.24, combined_mas_fractions = 0.74 * 0.24 combined_mas_fractions is divided by the combined weight (e.g. for H2 and He, 2 * 4 AMU^2), so there is no units issue.


A (wavelength, temperature) array containing the CIA opacities.

static _interpolate_species_opacities(pressures, temperatures, n_g, n_frequencies, line_opacities_grid, line_opacities_temperature_pressure_grid, line_opacities_temperature_grid_size, line_opacities_pressure_grid_size)
static compute_bins_edges(middle_bin_points: numpy.ndarray[float]) numpy.ndarray[float]

Calculate bin edges for middle bin points.


middle_bin_points: array of size N containing the middle bin points to calculate the bin edges of


array of size N+1 containing the bins edges

calculate_flux(temperatures: numpy.ndarray[float], mass_fractions: dict[str, numpy.ndarray[float]], mean_molar_masses: numpy.ndarray[float], reference_gravity: float, planet_radius: float = None, opaque_cloud_top_pressure: float = None, cloud_particles_mean_radii: dict[str, numpy.ndarray[float]] = None, cloud_particle_radius_distribution_std: float = None, cloud_particles_radius_distribution: str = 'lognormal', cloud_hansen_a: dict[str, numpy.ndarray[float]] = None, cloud_hansen_b: dict[str, numpy.ndarray[float]] = None, clouds_particles_porosity_factor: dict[str, float] = None, cloud_f_sed: float = None, eddy_diffusion_coefficients: numpy.ndarray[float] = None, haze_factor: float = 1.0, power_law_opacity_350nm: float = None, power_law_opacity_coefficient: float = None, gray_opacity: float = None, cloud_photosphere_median_optical_depth: float = None, emission_geometry: str = 'dayside_ave', stellar_intensities: numpy.ndarray[float] = None, star_effective_temperature: float = None, star_radius: float = None, orbit_semi_major_axis: float = None, star_irradiation_angle: float = 0.0, reflectances: numpy.ndarray[float] = None, emissivities: numpy.ndarray[float] = None, additional_absorption_opacities_function: callable = None, additional_scattering_opacities_function: callable = None, frequencies_to_wavelengths: bool = True, return_contribution: bool = False, return_photosphere_radius: bool = False, return_rosseland_optical_depths: bool = False, return_cloud_contribution: bool = False, return_opacities: bool = False) tuple[numpy.ndarray[float], numpy.ndarray[float], dict[str, any]]

Method to calculate the atmosphere’s emitted flux (emission spectrum).


the atmospheric temperature in K, at each atmospheric layer (1-d numpy array, same length as pressure array).


dictionary of mass fractions for all atmospheric absorbers. Dictionary keys are the species names. Every mass fraction array has same length as pressure array.


the atmospheric mean molecular weight in amu, at each atmospheric layer (1-d numpy array, same length as pressure array).

reference_gravity (float):

Surface gravity in cgs. Vertically constant for emission spectra.

planet_radius: planet radius at maximum pressure in cm. Only used to calculate the planet’s changing

photospheric radius as function of wavelength, if return_photosphere_radius is True.

opaque_cloud_top_pressure (Optional[float]):

Pressure, in bar, where opaque cloud deck is added to the absorption opacity.

cloud_particles_mean_radii (Optional):

dictionary of mean particle radii for all cloud species. Dictionary keys are the cloud species names. Every radius array has same length as pressure array.

cloud_particle_radius_distribution_std (Optional[float]):

width of the log-normal cloud particle size distribution

cloud_particles_radius_distribution (Optional[string]):

The cloud particle size distribution to use. Can be either ‘lognormal’ (default) or ‘hansen’. If hansen, the cloud_hansen_b parameters must be used.

cloud_hansen_a (Optional[dict]):

A dictionary of the ‘a’ parameter values for each included cloud species and for each atmospheric layer, formatted as the kzz argument. Equivalent to cloud_particles_mean_radii. If cloud_hansen_a is not included and dist is “hansen”, then it will be computed using Kzz and fsed (recommended).

cloud_hansen_b (Optional[dict]):

A dictionary of the ‘b’ parameter values for each included cloud species and for each atmospheric layer, formatted as the kzz argument. This is the width of the hansen distribution normalized by the particle area (1/cloud_hansen_a^2)

clouds_particles_porosity_factor (Optional[dict]):

A dictionary of porosity factors depending on the cloud species. This can be useful when opacities are calculated using the Distribution of Hollow Spheres (DHS) method.

cloud_f_sed (Optional[float]):

cloud settling parameter

eddy_diffusion_coefficients (Optional[float]):

the atmospheric eddy diffusion coefficient in cgs (i.e. \(\rm cm^2/s\)), at each atmospheric layer (1-d numpy array, same length as pressure array).

haze_factor (Optional[float]):

Scalar factor, increasing the gas Rayleigh scattering cross-section.

power_law_opacity_350nm (Optional[float]):

Scattering opacity at 0.35 micron, in cgs units (cm^2/g).

power_law_opacity_coefficient (Optional[float]):

Has to be given if kappa_zero is defined, this is the wavelength powerlaw index of the parametrized scattering opacity.

gray_opacity (Optional[float]):

Gray opacity value, to be added to the opacity at all pressures and wavelengths (units \(\rm cm^2/g\))

cloud_photosphere_median_optical_depth (Optional[float]):

Median optical depth (across wavelength_boundaries) of the clouds from the top of the atmosphere down to the gas-only photosphere. This parameter can be used for enforcing the presence of clouds in the photospheric region.

emission_geometry (Optional[string]):

if equal to 'dayside_ave': use the dayside average geometry. If equal to 'planetary_ave': use the planetary average geometry. If equal to 'non-isotropic': use the non-isotropic geometry.

stellar_intensities (Optional[array]):

The stellar intensity to use. If None, it will be calculated using a PHOENIX model.

star_effective_temperature (Optional[float]):

The temperature of the host star in K, used only if the scattering is considered. If not specified, the direct light contribution is not calculated.

star_radius (Optional[float]):

The radius of the star in cm. If specified, used to scale the to scale the stellar flux, otherwise it uses PHOENIX radius.

orbit_semi_major_axis (Optional[float]):

The distance of the planet from the star. Used to scale the stellar flux when the scattering of the direct light is considered.

star_irradiation_angle (Optional[float]):

Inclination angle of the direct light with respect to the normal to the atmosphere. Used only in the non-isotropic geometry scenario.

reflectances (Optional):


emissivities (Optional):


additional_absorption_opacities_function (Optional[function]):

A python function that takes wavelength arrays in microns and pressure arrays in bars as input, and returns an absorption opacity matrix in units of cm^2/g, in the shape of number of wavelength points x number of pressure points. This opacity will then be added to the atmospheric absorption opacity. This must not be used to add atomic / molecular line opacities in low-resolution mode (c-k), because line opacities require a proper correlated-k treatment. It may be used to add simple cloud absorption laws, for example, which have opacities that vary only slowly with wavelength, such that the current model resolution is sufficient to resolve any variations.

additional_scattering_opacities_function (Optional[function]):

A python function that takes wavelength arrays in microns and pressure arrays in bars as input, and returns an isotropic scattering opacity matrix in units of cm^2/g, in the shape of number of wavelength points x number of pressure points. This opacity will then be added to the atmospheric absorption opacity. It may be used to add simple cloud absorption laws, for example, which have opacities that vary only slowly with wavelength, such that the current model resolution is sufficient to resolve any variations.

frequencies_to_wavelengths (Optional[bool]):

if True, convert the frequencies (Hz) output to wavelengths (cm), and the flux per frequency output ( to flux per wavelength (

return_contribution (Optional[bool]):

If True the emission contribution function will be calculated. Default is False.

return_photosphere_radius (Optional[bool]):

if True, the photosphere radius is calculated and returned

return_rosseland_optical_depths (Optional[bool]):

if True, the Rosseland opacities and optical depths are calculated and returned

return_cloud_contribution (Optional[bool]):

if True, the cloud contribution is calculated

return_opacities (Optional[bool]):

if True, the absorption opacities and scattering opacities for species and clouds, as well as the optical depths, are returned

calculate_photosphere_radius(temperatures: numpy.ndarray[float], mean_molar_masses: numpy.ndarray[float], reference_gravity: float, planet_radius: float, opacities: numpy.ndarray[float], continuum_opacities_scattering: numpy.ndarray[float], cloud_f_sed: float, cloud_photosphere_median_optical_depth: float, cloud_anisotropic_scattering_opacities: numpy.ndarray[float], cloud_absorption_opacities: numpy.ndarray[float], optical_depths: numpy.ndarray[float] = None) numpy.ndarray[float]

Calculate the photosphere radius. TODO complete docstring Args:

temperatures: mean_molar_masses: reference_gravity: planet_radius: opacities: continuum_opacities_scattering: cloud_f_sed: cloud_photosphere_median_optical_depth: cloud_anisotropic_scattering_opacities: cloud_absorption_opacities: optical_depths:


calculate_rosseland_planck_opacities(temperatures: numpy.ndarray[float], mass_fractions: numpy.ndarray[float], mean_molar_masses: numpy.ndarray[float], reference_gravity: float, opaque_cloud_top_pressure: float = None, cloud_particles_mean_radii: dict[str, numpy.ndarray[float]] = None, cloud_particle_radius_distribution_std: float = None, cloud_particles_radius_distribution: str = 'lognormal', cloud_hansen_a: float = None, cloud_hansen_b: float = None, clouds_particles_porosity_factor: dict[str, float] = None, cloud_f_sed: float = None, eddy_diffusion_coefficients: float = None, haze_factor: float = 1.0, power_law_opacity_350nm: float = None, power_law_opacity_coefficient: float = None, gray_opacity: float = None) tuple[numpy.ndarray[float], numpy.ndarray[float], dict[str, any]]

Method to calculate the atmosphere’s Rosseland and Planck mean opacities.


the atmospheric temperature in K, at each atmospheric layer (1-d numpy array, same length as pressure array).


dictionary of mass fractions for all atmospheric absorbers. Dictionary keys are the species names. Every mass fraction array has same length as pressure array.


the atmospheric mean molecular weight in amu, at each atmospheric layer (1-d numpy array, same length as pressure array).

reference_gravity (float):

Surface gravity in cgs. Vertically constant for emission spectra.

opaque_cloud_top_pressure (Optional[float]):

Pressure, in bar, where opaque cloud deck is added to the absorption opacity.

cloud_particles_mean_radii (Optional):

dictionary of mean particle radii for all cloud species. Dictionary keys are the cloud species names. Every radius array has same length as pressure array.

cloud_particle_radius_distribution_std (Optional[float]):

width of the log-normal cloud particle size distribution

cloud_particles_radius_distribution (Optional[string]):

The cloud particle size distribution to use. Can be either ‘lognormal’ (default) or ‘hansen’. If hansen, the cloud_hansen_b parameters must be used.

cloud_hansen_a (Optional[dict]):

A dictionary of the ‘a’ parameter values for each included cloud species and for each atmospheric layer, formatted as the kzz argument. Equivalent to radius arg. If cloud_hansen_a is not included and dist is “hansen”, then it will be computed using Kzz and fsed (recommended).

cloud_hansen_b (Optional[dict]):

A dictionary of the ‘b’ parameter values for each included cloud species and for each atmospheric layer, formatted as the kzz argument. This is the width of the hansen distribution normalized by the particle area (1/cloud_hansen_a^2)

cloud_f_sed (Optional[float]):

cloud settling parameter

eddy_diffusion_coefficients (Optional):

the atmospheric eddy diffusion coefficient in cgs (i.e. \(\rm cm^2/s\)), at each atmospheric layer (1-d numpy array, same length as pressure array).

haze_factor (Optional[float]):

Scalar factor, increasing the gas Rayleigh scattering cross-section.

power_law_opacity_350nm (Optional[float]):

Scattering opacity at 0.35 micron, in cgs units (cm^2/g).

power_law_opacity_coefficient (Optional[float]):

Has to be given if kappa_zero is defined, this is the wavelength powerlaw index of the parametrized scattering opacity.

gray_opacity (Optional[float]):

Gray opacity value, to be added to the opacity at all pressures and wavelengths (units \(\rm cm^2/g\))

calculate_transit_radii(temperatures: numpy.ndarray[float], mass_fractions: dict[str, numpy.ndarray[float]], mean_molar_masses: numpy.ndarray[float], reference_gravity: float, reference_pressure: float, planet_radius: float, variable_gravity: bool = True, opaque_cloud_top_pressure: float = None, cloud_particles_mean_radii: dict[str, numpy.ndarray[float]] = None, cloud_particle_radius_distribution_std: float = None, cloud_particles_radius_distribution: str = 'lognormal', cloud_hansen_a: float = None, cloud_hansen_b: float = None, clouds_particles_porosity_factor: dict[str, float] = None, cloud_f_sed: float = None, eddy_diffusion_coefficients: float = None, haze_factor: float = 1.0, power_law_opacity_350nm: float = None, power_law_opacity_coefficient: float = None, gray_opacity: float = None, additional_absorption_opacities_function: callable = None, additional_scattering_opacities_function: callable = None, frequencies_to_wavelengths: bool = True, return_contribution: bool = False, return_cloud_contribution: bool = False, return_radius_hydrostatic_equilibrium: bool = False, return_opacities: bool = False) tuple[numpy.ndarray[float], numpy.ndarray[float], dict[str, any]]

Method to calculate the atmosphere’s transmission radius (for the transmission spectrum).


the atmospheric temperature in K, at each atmospheric layer (1-d numpy array, same length as pressure array).


dictionary of mass fractions for all atmospheric absorbers. Dictionary keys are the species names. Every mass fraction array has same length as pressure array.


the atmospheric mean molecular weight in amu, at each atmospheric layer (1-d numpy array, same length as pressure array).

reference_gravity (float):

Surface gravity in cgs at reference radius and pressure.

reference_pressure (float):

Reference pressure P0 in bar where R(P=P0) = R_pl, where R_pl is the reference radius (parameter of this method), and g(P=P0) = gravity, where gravity is the reference gravity (parameter of this method)

planet_radius (float):

Reference radius R_pl, in cm.

variable_gravity (Optional[bool]):

Standard is True. If False the gravity will be constant as a function of pressure, during the transmission radius calculation.

opaque_cloud_top_pressure (Optional[float]):

Pressure, in bar, where opaque cloud deck is added to the absorption opacity.

cloud_particles_mean_radii (Optional):

dictionary of mean particle radii for all cloud species. Dictionary keys are the cloud species names. Every radius array has same length as pressure array.

cloud_particle_radius_distribution_std (Optional[float]):

width of the log-normal cloud particle size distribution

cloud_particles_radius_distribution (Optional[string]):

The cloud particle size distribution to use. Can be either ‘lognormal’ (default) or ‘hansen’. If hansen, the cloud_hansen_b parameters must be used.

cloud_hansen_a (Optional[dict]):

A dictionary of the ‘a’ parameter values for each included cloud species and for each atmospheric layer, formatted as the kzz argument. Equivalent to radius arg. If cloud_hansen_a is not included and dist is “hansen”, then it will be computed using Kzz and fsed (recommended).

cloud_hansen_b (Optional[dict]):

A dictionary of the ‘b’ parameter values for each included cloud species and for each atmospheric layer, formatted as the kzz argument. This is the width of the hansen distribution normalized by the particle area (1/cloud_hansen_a^2)

clouds_particles_porosity_factor (Optional[dict]):

A dictionary of porosity factors depending on the cloud species. This can be useful when opacities are calculated using the Distribution of Hollow Spheres (DHS) method.

cloud_f_sed (Optional[float]):

cloud settling parameter

eddy_diffusion_coefficients (Optional):

the atmospheric eddy diffusion coefficient in cgs (i.e. \(\rm cm^2/s\)), at each atmospheric layer (1-d numpy array, same length as pressure array).

haze_factor (Optional[float]):

Scalar factor, increasing the gas Rayleigh scattering cross-section.

power_law_opacity_350nm (Optional[float]):

Scattering opacity at 0.35 micron, in cgs units (cm^2/g).

power_law_opacity_coefficient (Optional[float]):

Has to be given if kappa_zero is defined, this is the wavelength powerlaw index of the parametrized scattering opacity.

gray_opacity (Optional[float]):

Gray opacity value, to be added to the opacity at all pressures and wavelengths (units \(\rm cm^2/g\))

additional_absorption_opacities_function (Optional[function]):

A python function that takes wavelength arrays in microns and pressure arrays in bars as input, and returns an absorption opacity matrix in units of cm^2/g, in the shape of number of wavelength points x number of pressure points. This opacity will then be added to the atmospheric absorption opacity. This must not be used to add atomic / molecular line opacities in low-resolution mode (c-k), because line opacities require a proper correlated-k treatment. It may be used to add simple cloud absorption laws, for example, which have opacities that vary only slowly with wavelength, such that the current model resolution is sufficient to resolve any variations.

additional_scattering_opacities_function (Optional[function]):

A python function that takes wavelength arrays in microns and pressure arrays in bars as input, and returns an isotropic scattering opacity matrix in units of cm^2/g, in the shape of number of wavelength points x number of pressure points. This opacity will then be added to the atmospheric absorption opacity. It may be used to add simple cloud absorption laws, for example, which have opacities that vary only slowly with wavelength, such that the current model resolution is sufficient to resolve any variations.

frequencies_to_wavelengths (Optional[bool]):

if True, convert the frequencies (Hz) output to wavelengths (cm)

return_contribution (Optional[bool]):

If True the transmission and emission contribution function will be calculated. Default is False.

return_cloud_contribution (Optional[bool]):

if True, the cloud contribution is calculated and returned

return_radius_hydrostatic_equilibrium (Optional[bool]):

if True, the radius at hydrostatic equilibrium of the planet is returned

return_opacities (Optional[bool]):

if True, the absorption opacities and scattering opacities are returned

static compute_pressure_hydrostatic_equilibrium(mean_molar_masses, reference_gravity, planet_radius, p0, temperature, radii, rk4=True)
static compute_star_spectrum(star_effective_temperature, orbit_semi_major_axis, frequencies, star_radius=None)

Method to get the PHOENIX spectrum of the star and rebin it to the wavelength points. If t_star is not explicitly written, the spectrum will be 0. If the distance is not explicitly written, the code will raise an error and break to urge the user to specify the value.

star_effective_temperature (float):

the stellar temperature in K.

orbit_semi_major_axis (float):

the semi-major axis of the planet in cm.

frequencies (float):

the frequencies on which to interpolate the spectrum in Hz.

star_radius (float):

if specified, uses this radius in cm to scale the flux, otherwise it uses PHOENIX radius.

static load_hdf5_ktables(file_path_hdf5, frequencies, g_size, temperature_pressure_grid_size)

Load k-coefficient tables in HDF5 format, based on the ExoMol setup.

static load_hdf5_line_opacity_table(file_path_hdf5, frequencies, line_by_line_opacity_sampling=1)

Load opacities (cm2.g-1) tables in HDF5 format, based on petitRADTRANS pseudo-ExoMol setup.


Read the line opacities for spectral calculation. The default pressure-temperature grid is a log-uniform (10, 13) grid.




static load_line_opacities_pressure_temperature_grid(hdf5_file)

Load line opacities temperature grids.

static rebin_star_spectrum(star_spectrum, star_wavelengths, wavelengths)